Young Su Paek Untitled, Oil, 1982
Youngsu Paek (alternative name: Paek Young Su) is a Korean Asian Modern & Contemporary painter born in 1922.
It was 1983 on an anniversary trip to Paris we were sent on a mission to find this painting and bring it home. It was eventually found at Galerie Jean Andre’ in Paris and comes with all its papers.
Youngsu Paek (alternative name: Paek Young Su) is a Korean Asian Modern & Contemporary painter born in 1922.
It was 1983 on an anniversary trip to Paris we were sent on a mission to find this painting and bring it home. It was eventually found at Galerie Jean Andre’ in Paris and comes with all its papers.
Youngsu Paek (alternative name: Paek Young Su) is a Korean Asian Modern & Contemporary painter born in 1922.
It was 1983 on an anniversary trip to Paris we were sent on a mission to find this painting and bring it home. It was eventually found at Galerie Jean Andre’ in Paris and comes with all its papers.
W 8 ½”
H 13”
Condition: Perfect